Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stairway to heaven...

In the early November of 2008, I was visiting Boulder, a city in the Rockies in Colorado. It was a snowy evening when I reached there. I hired a cab at the airport which would take me to the hotel in the downtown. It was the first time I went traveling, alone, in this foreign, yet so strikingly familiar land. Filled with eagerness to explore this new place, I looked outside the window. The sun was just about to set and the marvelous orange streaks of sunlight adorned the horizon. As the cab sped past at calm and serene town, I could see the lofty peaks of the Rockies surrounding it. One look, and my eyes were transfixed to the soaring mountains. I was mesmerized. I felt like a child, the same way when I had first seen the snowy peaks of the Himalayas when I was just a teenager. It filled me with that same feeling..a numbing sense of joy. What is it that we are filled with such absolute awe when witnessing any of nature's majestic creations..mountains, oceans, forests. I guess it is that long lost eternal connection of ours with the wild, with nature, that our heart yearns for. The unsurmountable heights of mountains, the vastness of those oceans and the lush-green spread of those forests..isn't that what got us thinking : who created all this beauty? It is this unbreakable bond with nature that pulls us back to it..that tells us a story, of who we really are..of where we really belong..Perhaps that is why we stand in awe and in a feeling of bewilderedness when we get a closer look at nature. I inhaled, with my eyes, all that vastness that I could...I knew I would never forget that feeling, all my life.

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